Thursday, December 16, 2010

What This Class Has Taught Me

My 2010 fall semester of ODU proved to be both challenging and informative. The class I am writing this blog for, criticism and commentary, ended up being one of my favorite classes this semester. I learned everything, from ways to make sure my criticism is done the correct way, to considering popular social debates such as legalizing marijuana and the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy in the military. This class opened my eyes to many topics I didn’t know much about.
I learned that good commentary utilizes plenty of research, a logical argument, and a literary style. I learned that my voice is the main voice I want the reader to hear. Not snippets of other people’s voices from other sources. I have to take all the information in and be able to form my own thoughts, options, and arguments. 
My conclusions will be pointless if I do not present them in a way that successfully gets my ideas across to my audience. Much like a painter, I can have all the perfect elements to make a painting masterpiece (my different colors of paint are much like my different pieces of criticism), but if I do not know how to logically make all the different elements come together in an effective way, my vision cannot be seen. 
This criticism class has made my communication foundation so much stronger. I will take what I learned from this class and use it in the future classes down my education path, and I will certainly use these skills in my future career. 

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