Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mandatory Public Service: Yay or Nay?

As of today, America does not require mandatory public services from its citizens. It primarily runs on people’s choice to volunteer for various organizations, such as the military, AmeriCorps, nonprofits, etc. While there is great pride in helping other people, whether from your own country or one on the other side of the world, there are still people that are strongly against mandatory public service in the United States. 

There are benefits from having mandatory public service in any country. Jobs would open up and it would give opportunities to those who would otherwise be doing nothing with their lives. It teaches people to serve others and helps those less fortunate, whether it’s the victims from a natural disaster or a low income family needing work done on their house. Skills are taught through service that cannot be truly understood unless you are in such an environment. It teaches people to be selfless and to not take their life for granted. 

There are people that oppose public service being required, especially in the United States. America is founded on the basis of freedom and the right to choose their own actions. If an American does not want to serve others, then they should have that desire respected and honored by the government. The freedom of choice would be stripped away from all free Americans if mandatory service became implemented. 

Perhaps instead of making it mandatory, programs can be funded in the school system that teaches children and young adults about the benefits of serving others. Free choice is still present, but it is not forced upon them. To find a common ground with this debate, comprise must take place in order to appease both sides.

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